Steps to push your local Git repository to a remote GitHub repository

Steps to push your local Git repository to a remote GitHub repository


1 min read

  1. Sign up for a GitHub account on if you don't already have one.

  2. Create a new empty repository on GitHub. Do not initialize it with a README or other files.

  3. On your local machine, add the GitHub remote repository as a remote:

     git remote add origin

    Replace the URL with your GitHub repository URL.

  4. Push your local repository to the remote repository on GitHub:

     git push -u origin master

  5. Go to your repository page on GitHub to see if your files and commits have been pushed successfully.

  6. To sync future commits, simply run git push which will push to the same remote repo.

    Now your local and remote repositories are connected. You can push local commits to GitHub to store them remotely and enable collaboration.
