Deploying a Microservices Application on Azure Using AKS: A Step-by-Step Guide


2 min read

Microservices architecture has become increasingly popular for its scalability and flexibility. In this guide, we'll walk through deploying a microservices application on Azure using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). By the end, you'll have a fully functional deployment pipeline for your microservices.


Deploy a microservices application on Azure using AKS.

1. Creating an AKS Cluster

Deliverable: AKS cluster with specified nodes, network security policies, and RBAC.

  1. Navigate to AKS: Click on "Create a resource" > "Kubernetes Service".

  2. Configure AKS: Define cluster details - name, region, Kubernetes version, node size, and node count.

  3. Create the AKS Cluster: Review settings and create the cluster


2. Containerizing Microservices with Docker

Deliverable: Docker images of microservices ready for deployment.

  1. Write Dockerfiles: Create Dockerfiles for microservice detailing their configurations and dependencies.

  2. Build Docker Images: Use the Docker command to build images for microservice.

  3. Push Images to Registry: Push the built images to a Docker registry (e.g., Azure Container Registry).

    Log in to your Azure Container Registry:

    Push the tagged Docker image to your Azure Container Registry:

    Verify Image in ACR:

3. Deploying Microservices to AKS

Deliverable: Microservices deployed and operational on AKS.

  1. Create Kubernetes Deployment: Define Kubernetes deployment manifests for each microservice, specifying image names and configurations

  2. Set Up Kubernetes Services: If necessary, create Kubernetes services to expose the microservices

    Connect to AKS cluster using Azure CLI

  3. Update AKS Cluster: Deploy the microservices by applying Kubernetes configurations to the AKS cluster.

4. Automate Deployment with Azure DevOps

Deliverable: Automated deployment pipeline integrated with Git repository.

  1. Create Azure DevOps Pipeline: Access Azure DevOps, create a new pipeline, and link it to your Git repository.

  2. Configure Pipeline Stages: Define stages for building Docker images, pushing images to the registry, and deploying to AKS.


  3. Integrate with Git: Ensure the pipeline triggers on code changes in the Git repository

  4. Test and Validate: Run the pipeline to ensure automated deployment works as expected.


By following these steps, successfully deployed a microservices application on Azure using AKS and automated the deployment process through Azure DevOps. This scalable and efficient setup allows for easier management and scalability of the application.

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